But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

Karla Guerra

I’ve been very lucky. And maybe a little unlucky. It all depends on perspective, which depends on when in my story you peek in. My left testicle swelled. I ignored it. I knew nothing about testicular cancer at the time. Had literally never heard the two words in the same sentence, way back in 1989. I suppose I simply figured I had some weird case of unilateral college blueballs. It was, theoretically, possible.

Otto Cotes

I’ve been very lucky. And maybe a little unlucky. It all depends on perspective, which depends on when in my story you peek in. My left testicle swelled. I ignored it. I knew nothing about testicular cancer at the time. Had literally never heard the two words in the same sentence, way back in 1989. I suppose I simply figured I had some weird case of unilateral college blueballs. It was, theoretically, possible.

Antonia Gomez

I’ve been very lucky. And maybe a little unlucky. It all depends on perspective, which depends on when in my story you peek in. My left testicle swelled. I ignored it. I knew nothing about testicular cancer at the time. Had literally never heard the two words in the same sentence, way back in 1989. I suppose I simply figured I had some weird case of unilateral college blueballs. It was, theoretically, possible.